Zach attends a science class at a home in our neighborhood for a couple of hours each week.   When I pick him up after class is over I always chat with his teacher, Ms. T, about how Zach did and what he learned.  This past week the class of three-year-olds learned about buoyancy and density.  A couple of days later I received the following email from Ms. T:

“I forgot to tell you: When we were going through the bowl and hypothesizing as to which items would sink and which would float, he picked up the tennis ball and said ‘Oh, this is what Rafa uses. It bounces so it will float.’ Exactly right, on all counts:-)”

So I suppose I should be thrilled with Zach’s insight and how he is learning to hypothesize and grasp scientific concepts.  Truth be told, after I read the email I was disappointed that he chose to associate Rafa, as in Rafael Nadal, with the tennis ball.  I have taught my son from a very early age that Roger Federer is the greatest tennis player of all time.  Clearly, Dave’s antagonistic efforts to teach Zach to love Nadal have proven more successful.  Score: Advantage –D.Gordon… but not for long!

Displaying his work
Hypothesis boards
The Greatest Tennis Player of All Time!